“Surrealist writer and painter Leonora Carrington (1917–2011) was a master of the macabre, of gorgeous tableaus, biting satire, roguish comedy, and brilliant, effortless flights of the imagination.”
—from the 2017 edition of The Complete Stories of Leonora Carrington
“Even the least polished letters have a powerful effect. . . . Books like Dear Mrs Kennedy . . . have extra-literary value.”
—The New York Times Book Review
“Thank you, Paul, for being an awesome mentor in the writing process.”
—Susan Shumsky, Maharishi and Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru
“The sparkle [her novels had] on first acquaintance has been succeeded by the deeper brilliance of established art.”
— Philip Larkin regarding the rediscovery of Barbara Pym
“When the science of cloning has been perfected to include book editors, Paul De Angelis would be a good place to begin.”
— Christopher Hailey, Alban Berg and His World.